What is Community Education?
Our mission is to support the educational, social, and recreational needs of each community through lifelong learning opportunities for all ages and abilities.
Proctor and Hermantown Community Education, Proctor Public Schools, and Hermantown Community Schools, service more than 24,000 residents combined. Proctor and Hermantown Community Education proudly serve all ages, from the youngest of learners to adults and senior citizens.
Grounded in the core values of lifelong learning and citizen involvement, the Community Education Department is an integral component of Proctor Public Schools and Hermantown Community Schools. Proctor and Hermantown Community Education provides opportunities for local citizens, schools, agencies, businesses, and institutions to become active participants in the educational system. Learning extends beyond the K-12 setting, therefore through the development of strong partnerships and Community Education, each district is able to extend formal and informal learning opportunities to each community at large.
Proctor and Hermantown Community Education provides lifelong learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. We provide community-driven learning and enrichment opportunities. Each component of Community Education strives to provide a wide variety of learner-centered programs and services for learning, recreation, and community involvement. Community Education focuses on building skills, promoting health and well-being, supporting student achievement, and creating community.
Community Education also schedules and operates district facilities before and after school hours, on weekends, holidays, and during the summer. Proctor Public Schools and Hermantown Community Schools are proud to engage with communities that value collaboration and partnership to ensure school facility use and community resources are maximized through facility usage and cooperative programming.
Proctor Public School and Hermantown Community Schools invite you to join the community of lifelong learning. We are honored to have many community partners and instructors who make high-quality learning experiences possible. Community Education is your source for new and exciting opportunities to learn, now and into the future.
If we can assist you in your learning exploration, please let us know.
Become A Community Education Instructor
Community Education is always looking for ways to partner with local organizations, businesses, and/or community experts to enhance the learning experience for our community members. No idea is too big or small!
If you wish to learn more please email us or call (218) 628 - 6293. We are happy to explore your idea with you!
Office Location and Hours
Proctor Area Community Center
100 Pionk Drive
Proctor, MN 55810
(218) 628-6293
Monday - Thursday | 8:00 - 3:30 pm
Friday | 8:00 - 12:00 pm
Office Location and Hours
Hermantown Community Learning Center
4333 Hawk Circle Drive
Hermantown, MN 55811
(218) 729-9563
Monday - Thursday | 8:00 - 3:30 pm
Friday | 8:00 - 12:00 pm
Director Information
Kristal Berg
Director of Community Education
(218) 626-6024 | kberg@proctor.k12.mn.us

Roxy Olsen-Hurst
Assistant Director of Community Education: Early Learning
(218) 729-9563 ext6404 | rolsenhurst@proctor.k12.mn.us