Hermantown Community Schools
Hermantown Community School facilities are available for rental by community groups outside of the regular school day. Our facilities can handle many types of activities for large and small groups, and our most common rentals are the gymnasiums, auditoriums, multi-purpose rooms, and media centers.
It is important to note that alcohol and tobacco are not prohibited on school property.
Liability Insurance
All renters must have a certificate of liability on file with the school district prior to the rental taking place. The additional insured should be greater than or equal to $1,000,000.
We strongly recommend that all youth organizations connect with their governing organization to obtain a copy of the liability certificate.
Application Fee & Rental Fees
A one-time application fee ($30) is required for all renters despite your classification and must be paid upon rental request. This includes all Hermantown Youth Association groups.
Please review the Facility Use Brochure to determine your classification and hourly rate. Rental fees must be paid in full prior to use.
Service Fees
Service fees for custodial or auditorium technicians may be applicable to all classifications and the number of hours the service is needed is determined by the school district.
Rental Cancellation
Low-Priority Spaces (classrooms, libraries, conference rooms, etc.)
Parties utilizing low-priority spaces must cancel their rental within 3 business days of the rental in order to be eligible for a full refund.
High-Priority Spaces (gymnasiums, auditorium, lecture hall, etc.)
Parties utilizing high-priority spaces must cancel their rental within 10 business days of the rental to be eligible for a full refund.
Hermantown Community Schools does have the right to cancel the reservation for unforeseen circumstances. However, they will make every effort to provide an appropriate accommodation first.
Priority Use
1. PreK through Grade 12 curricular activities
2. After-school, evening, and weekend district-sponsored extra-curricular activities
3. Community Education activities
4. Community-based groups, organizations, or individuals (i.e. non-profits, for-profits,& youth athletic groups not approved by the School Board of Education)
Youth Athletic Organizations
Please review the Youth Athletic Organization Procedural Guide prior to any requests.
Important! Review the Facility Use Brochure regarding when rental rates, service fees, etc. are applicable. All organizations are responsible for complying with rental and service fees when applicable, with no exceptions.
Rental Request & Availability
We ask that you please review the district facilities calendar to check for availability and once you have determined your rental request, you may do so online.
If you have questions regarding our facilities or your rental please contact the facility scheduler directly.
Forms & Policies
Use of School District Facilities and Equipment (Policy 902)
Facility Use Brochure - fee structure and procedures
Contact Information
Jilli Peterson, Facilities Coordinator
jpeterson@isd700.org | 218.729.9563
Kristal Berg, Director of Community Education
kberg@proctor.k12.mn.us | 218.626.6024